Tuesday, June 15, 2010

To you my friend....

I tried my best to make you smile,
I forgot myself and lived your life,
Just for that one twinkle in your eye,
I waited so long without even a sigh,
I listened to every word without a frown,
Put all my efforts but never let you down,
I did all I could do,
Inspite all the pain I went through,
You still stand out from the rest,
And trust me friend you are the best,
I cant figure out what went wrong,
It's just that life played a wrong song,
I have no clue how to make you trust,
I tried my best to wipe away the rust,
Now im torn and I have no strength,
To prove to you,you are my best friend,
All I want to say in the end,
I miss those days, I miss you my friend.


  1. very touching and amazing..... nice thoughts swthrt...

  2. really very touching...miss colg days..miss u a lot

  3. hmmm... to your dear friend...

    the way I see,
    the way you do,
    may disguise,
    may not be true,
    all I say,
    and all I do,
    hold me back,
    yet again, I need you!!!
